Cleo Patra : Part-II : Epiosde-3 : Part-B

“Oh, the pity! We have no rules”, Alcor said like he can handle the situation and there’s no need of her pity, “Get the stone, and do whatever it takes to get it. Anything is fair in amor (love) and war, Ron. We’re on a fight, not a sport. And the fight will not be up until we reach Rebel Rambo. All right, let’s hurry up now. We don’t have much time or a back up either”.

Ron transmogrified the hall and now the inlet turned prominent to them. It was fear jerking and pitch black, and appeared like it was hungry and impatient. It tried bamboozling them to come in. They could resist its lure but don’t want to since they had no choice but to get in and get out with Anoura. A mist of insidious spell followed them all the way casting a gloom upon them. Ron was all eyes and ears of the place trying to figure out what was up, while Alcor dispatched his replicas to all possible corners of the warren.


The vicious!

Suddenly, a black reptile or some entity, which seemed like a Chimera of the ancient Greek, crept out of a crevice making cold baying sounds. It was gigantic and fierce and came viciously towards them. Its fangs spewed venom and its eyes were blazing like a volcano. Ron changed their positions and the beast was confused to see them standing behind it, when they were supposed to be standing in front of it, like in the very previous moment. Enraged with the hex, it pounced onto them in a single leap, when Alcor immediately pounced on it and began spewing venom just like the beast. The venom was so lethal and acidic that it bored through the beast and turned it into ashes as the fissure spread. The death roars of the beast shook the province horrendously. A replica of Alcor’s came and merged into him and from its memory, he learnt that a much bigger disaster was ahead of them. They ventured in! They went through a dark tunnel and to their surprise found the stone already in the Dinos’ hold. Some huge beasts, the Dinos have killed were lying dead on the ground.

“Who got whom?” Rhonda asked with a wily smile, as she unhitched something and an incredibly enormous beast, which got unleashed, came out from a cave within the chamber. It was a giant pitch black spider with clawed legs, blood red eyes and with enormous fangs of a scorpion sticking out from its head.

“It’s not like the one that can fall for your transmogrification, Ron. Or your action replication either, Alcor”, Jack grimaced.

The beast was about to whack them down with its ferocious fervour, when Cleo came from nowhere and struck it violently, “Not so fast!”

Deneb exploded in rage and zapped down the beast with his super hertz radiations, but the beast just won’t die. The Dinos slid from the scene taking it for a chance. The five powers of the Dragons united and brought the beast down. His replicas began retreating from different tunnels of the warren and merged back one by one into Alcor as Alcor, along with the Dragons, was on his way out from the den.

“Don’t let them escape”, Garnet cried, “The quacks, they are!”

In no time, the Dragons were ahead of the Dinos, who had got out of the den by then. Deneb sprang onto Jack without waiting for a signal. Cleo enticed Rhonda into a fight, Garnet got Sandra, Alcor waged a fight with Rigel, and Ron ventured to bring down Orion. A fierce battle took place between them. People on Earth saw a random collision of stars in the sky and feared a star-wreck, a shelling sky and a possible disaster.

As the heavenly access chasm has begun closing up, the battle reached its peak to conquer the stone.

Deneb gave a final deathblow to Jack crying, “I told you, I’d get you!” and Jack fell into the space.

Deneb then quickly zoomed into the chasm followed by all the other team members except Cleo and Rhonda. Sandra and Rigel helped Jack to Rebel Rambo. Cleo and Rhonda fought on. The Dinos and the Dragons were waiting anxiously for their leaders, to find out who has brought the stone home. The chasm was about to wind up, when Cleo zoomed in, head first, followed by Rhonda. The Dragons jumped in triumph on seeing Anoura, a brilliant blue stone in Cleo’s hand. But Cleo seemed more beautiful than Anoura to Deneb. ‘Anoura was beautiful of course’, Deneb thought, ‘but has no life and charm like Cleo’. Dinos growled out of grudge and defeat.

“Well, coming to the rules, the winners can now claim their prize”, Sandra, the diplomatic, announced, at which the other Dinos winced.

Alcor came forward and claimed Rhonda’s cruiser, the one she would lay down her life for. She felt like her head being hacked off in shame and nodded.

That night, Deneb walked Cleo home and bid her good night. He loved her from afar, but never ventured to give his feelings a vent. He felt she was worthy to be loved for a million years or above and worthy to be died for a million times. He wouldn’t abide the very thought that someone else should win her hand. ‘If such a thing should happen’, he used to think, ‘I shall fight the whole world or do anything to stop it, anything!’, because he knew, there were hundreds out there who would die to win her hand. ‘What’s the point if Cleo loved him, when she had no one else to love?’ He thought, Cleo should love him even when there are many who loved her. When he saw her for the first time in his sixth grade, when he came on a transfer from Meron, where Korea once existed, he was so absorbed that he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He felt someone else conquering him and replacing him, yet from so far. He cursed the moments that took her away from him and the moments she was away from him. He has just taken her for granted and was feeling high. But, something unexpected happened, something that he’d never want to happen.


… To be continued!

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